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Nonprofit Mission Statements – Good and Bad Examples

Nonprofit Mission Statements

Nonprofit Mission Statements – Good and Bad Examples Why Are Mission Statements Important Many of us may need a clearer idea of our mission statement and how to make that statement memorable to others. Unfortunately, this means that the current mission statement of our nonprofit organization could be more effective. However, by learning from examples of good […]

Vision Statement vs Mission Statement for Nonprofits


Vision Statement vs Mission Statement for Nonprofits The vision statement vs mission statement for nonprofits depicts two critical components of a nonprofit’s purpose and direction. These are two essential components of a nonprofit’s organizational identity. A vision statement is an aspirational declaration of what an organization hopes to achieve. It provides direction and purpose for the organization and is a […]

The Cost of Starting a Nonprofit in Every State

Starting a Nonprofit in Every State

The Cost of Starting a Nonprofit in Every State  Starting a nonprofit requires a fair amount of savvy and know-how. Building from the ground up to know where to start is often tricky. Questions arise like “What do I need?” and “Why do I need it?” One of the most significant question marks comes up when it’s […]

Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Grants to Fund Your Nonprofit

Grants to Fund Your Nonprofit

Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Grants to Fund Your Nonprofit If you’re thinking about starting a nonprofit with the plan to use grants alone to get it funded—think again. So many first-timers think grants are the way to go as their primary funding source. But, typically, most granting organizations won’t do startup work. They tend to prefer […]

How to Make People Believe in Your Cause

Believe in Your Cause

How to Make People Believe in Your Cause I’ve been spending an embarrassing amount of time watching ABC’s “Shark Tank” recently. But maybe I shouldn’t be ashamed—it’s inherently entertaining television. If you’re unfamiliar, Shark Tank features hopeful entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas to a panel of renowned business leaders. Panel members can then choose to invest or […]

How to Turn Your Nonprofit’s Social Followers into Donors

Nonprofit’s Social Followers

How to Turn Your Nonprofit’s Social Followers into Donors Increasingly, donors are turning to social media to find causes to support. According to a recent survey, almost half of millennials say social media inspires them to give to charity. A quarter of Gen-Xers and a fifth of Baby Boomers say the same. Whether your nonprofit already […]

How and Why Nonprofits Need to Think Differently

Nonprofits Need to Think Differently

How and Why Nonprofits Need to Think Differently Learning something completely new is much easier than unlearning an old habit. Just ask any parent. It’s why children are taught essential functions early: they haven’t yet learned the wrong way to do things. Movement, language, mannerisms—it’s crucial that these fundamentals are correctly taught to avoid the potentially painstaking […]

What Form 990 Do You Need? A Nonprofit Guide

Form 990

What Form 990 Do You Need? A Nonprofit Guide Tax season is complicated. You might think nonprofits would have an easier time being tax-exempt, but that isn’t necessarily true. Every year, nonprofits must submit their Form 990, which allows the organization to maintain its tax-exempt status. As such, the 990 is quite an important document that […]

9 Things Every Nonprofit Startup Needs To Know

Nonprofit Startup

9 Things Every Nonprofit Startup Needs To Know Starting a nonprofit organization is a rewarding experience. Nonprofits meet the needs of underserved populations and ensure no one goes without essential services. But starting a business, especially a nonprofit, requires planning and preparation. Here are nine things every nonprofit startup needs to know.   You Can’t […]

SMS Campaigns for Nonprofits: Why They Rock!

SMS Campaigns

SMS Campaigns for Nonprofits: Why They Rock! How do nonprofits successfully garner the support of their community? They do so through effective communication. SMS or mass text message campaigns are one of the most effective communication channels for nonprofits. SMS campaigns see the highest open and click through rates, the fastest response rates and are the […]