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How Digital Marketing Can Help Reach Younger Donors

Digital Marketing

Is your nonprofit actively seeking to reach younger donors? While some organizations focus on older and long-time supporters, the best time to engage with younger donors is now. After all, millennials and Generation Z now make up the largest combined segment of the U.S. population. Potential support from the next generation is out there.

In today’s technology-centric world, it’s no secret that one of the best ways to reach younger donors is through an online presence or platform. Digital marketing strategies can be very effective for nonprofits who want to further their mission by reaching a newer, younger audience. Read on to learn how to attract younger donors and increase support for your cause.

Understanding Younger Donors

A common misconception about younger donors is that they aren’t as willing to contribute money to a cause as older generations. However, 84% of millennials give to charity, and 59% of Generation Z’ers are likely to donate to a charity after seeing a message on social media. Like their passion for activism, younger audiences are also passionate about giving. 

Since younger donors are more likely to spend time online, it’s important to begin any digital marketing strategy by optimizing your messaging. Make sure your nonprofit’s website is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. Provide regular updates to help build trust and credibility. And, of course, ensure that your online giving process is easy to complete. These steps will serve as a foundation for successful digital marketing efforts. 

Digital Marketing Ideas to Help Reach Younger Donors

You know that younger people spend a lot of time online and that a digital presence is important for your mission. But how can you start bridging the gap and reach the next generation? A comprehensive digital marketing strategy will help you get there. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Paid Social Media Ads

Social media is a powerful marketing tool—especially for reaching younger donors. Using paid social media ads can help your nonprofit target these potential donors. With different options like video or slideshow posts, social media ads on platforms like Instagram and Facebook are a great way to catch users’ attention. 

When using this strategy, it’s important to understand how to do it properly. Make sure to include a compelling call to action and a link back to your nonprofit’s website. Even with all the right measures in place, it’s also important to note that advertising on social media isn’t always the best stand-alone strategy. Consider following up with a retargeting ad campaign or other technique.

Retargeting Ad Campaigns

Retargeting is an effective way to remind audiences of the importance of your cause. A retargeting campaign can show ads to online users who recently visited your website. These ads can serve as reminders to complete a donation, register for an event, and more. With 70% more effectiveness than standard display advertisements, retargeting ad campaigns can help your nonprofit reach younger audiences online.

Influencer Marketing

The popularity of social media has led to the rise of influencer marketing. This strategy involves endorsements from high-profile users to help promote a product or service. Nonprofits can use influencer marketing to spread the word about their cause and reach younger donors via social media. These kinds of referrals tend to be appealing to younger audiences who seek out information online.

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